Categories: Jiu-Jitsu Tips

by Jordan Shannon


Categories: Jiu-Jitsu Tips

by Jordan Shannon


Student in academy Gi watching other students.

It’s no secret that Jiu-Jitsu, like other martial arts, is primarily a means to self-defense. It can also be a shortcut to a healthier and fitter you. I have reaped the fitness benefits of jiu-jitsu and other martial arts for years and have watched others do the same. Even here at Grassroots Jiu-Jitsu and Fitness, I have witnessed students lose weight, improve their cardio, and make lifestyle changes that they attribute to their practice of jiu-jitsu. Along with some diet and lifestyle changes, jiu-jitsu can be a cheat code to improving your fitness. Let’s dig deeper into why.

Cardiovascular Improvement

I don’t think enough credit is given to those who are able to make it through a 45-60 minute jiu-jitsu class. In most cases you’re beginning with a warm-up, a lot of drilling, and then rolling at the end of the class. If you’re new on the mat you may be taxed by the end of the class, but you should also feel great and ready to come back the next day. It’s this wanting to return and do it all over again that will slowly build that cardiovascular capacity and ability to handle work. Rolling/sparring will compound this as you’re likely going at a higher pace than technique drilling. You’ll also be burning calories throughout. If weight loss and a calorie deficit is a goal you’ll be trending in the right direction as a typical jiu-jitsu class with warm-ups, drills, and light sparring can burn around 500–700 calories per hour.

Strength Development and Physique Improvement

The difficulty of having to control, move, or submit a resisting body should not be overlooked as a strength workout.  Just as resistance training with weights builds strength and muscle, the resistance you face on the mat from a human body will do the same. Through the constant opposing resistance you deal with in a typical jiu-jitsu class, you will definitely notice the improvement in muscle composition and physique. While rolling you’re using your arms, legs, core, and entire posterior chain at all times. There is also an endless amount of pushing and pulling to boot which will build muscular endurance.

Of course, this all depends on what your goals are. If you’re looking to be a bodybuilder or powerlifter, find a gym and hit the weights. But, if you are simply looking for an overall improved physique, jiu-jitsu will definitely help and you’ll have fun doing it!

Flexibility and Mobility Improvement

Jiu-jitsu is jokingly called “involuntary yoga”, but the flexibility and mobility benefits of the sport are real! If you’re able to be on time for warm-ups, you will likely be stretching before and sometimes after each class. Over time, this will improve your flexibility and ability to move better on the mat. Bonus points if you can build a consistent stretching routine outside of class. Your range of motion will also improve greatly. If you join a jiu-jitsu class and can’t touch your toes on day 1, stay consistent with coming and see if you can touch them on day 90. I guarantee you see an improvement. I’ve seen it firsthand here at Grassroots Jiu-Jitsu and Fitness. It’s been said that a flexible body is a healthy body, so you will also see your risk of injury reduced as you build flexibility and mobility. This will go a long way in keeping you on the mat longer and that should be the ultimate goal.

Overall Lifestyle Changes

Outside of the obvious fitness benefits that will come from showing up to class on a consistent basis, lifestyle changes off of the mat will continue to compound the fitness improvements. Throughout the years I’ve seen people quit smoking and drinking and begin running and lifting all in an effort to improve their results on the mat or just live an overall healthier lifestyle that better aligns with jiu-jitsu practice. I’ve also seen diets and sleep habits improve. Of course, these are all choices and changes that can be made at any time for any reason but I’ve often seen jiu-jitsu as the launchpad. Some of the most disciplined people in regards to health and wellness I have met through jiu-jitsu and I’m sure most of them will tell you that beginning jiu-jitsu played a role in developing their mindset.

If you’re looking to improve your fitness and reap the benefits of jiu-jitsu, then I can’t recommend enough that you begin your jiu-jitsu journey today!


Contact Grassroots Jiu-Jitsu and Fitness for a FREE TRIAL CLASS and begin your Jiu-Jitsu Journey today!